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Jamie Hagan

Associate Senior Leader-Advanced Skills Teacher-Teacher of Art & Design

GEMS Founders School, Al Barsha, Dubai

I am an experienced educational leader with a passion for supporting identity development and self-awareness within young people. I qualified as an Art & Design teacher in 2013 with a BA in Art & Design Education, along with a first-class honours in Fine Art Painting. I followed this with an MA in Art Psychotherapy in 2017. I have 8 years teaching experience, in both Primary and Secondary School settings. I have worked in both Irish and UK International schools. Within this time, I have led a large and growing Art & Design department as the Head of Art. I also have varied experiences working in the mental health field, working largely with adolescents and young adults. I am currently an Associate Senior Leader in a large school of over 6000 students, in my role as Advanced Skills Teacher I have successfully implemented a Character Education curriculum which I have designed to meet the bespoke needs of the students in our school. This curriculum continues to grow and improve as it is continuously monitored and adapted as the implementation process progresses. I have presented this action research project in a worldwide educational platform, and I am excited to continue to share this work.


31 October, 2023 | 10:30 to 10:50
دعم تنمية الهوية الأخلاقية للطالب

يدعم منهج تعليم الشخصية الناجح رفاهية الطلاب من خلال السماح لهم بالاستكشاف الذاتي والتطور في بيئة داعمة وغنية بالمعلومات. يؤدي إلى شعور أكبر بالوعي الذاتي. عندما تكون واثقًا من نفسك فأنت أفضل استعدادًا لمواجهة التحديات. عندما تتمكن من مواجهة التحديات بسهولة أكبر ، فمن المرجح أن تشعر بالمحتوى والاستقرار والأمان والوفاء. تختلف كل مدرسة وكل أسرة عن كل طالب. تختلف في وجهات نظرهم حول القيم ، تختلف في سمات الشخصية التي يمكنهم إظهارها بقوة ، والسمات الشخصية التي يريدون تطويرها بشكل أكبر. في هذه الجلسة ، سأناقش كيفية جمع المعلومات حول احتياجات مجتمع مدرسي بأكمله ، وكيفية استخدام هذه المعلومات لإبلاغ منهج تعليمي مخصص للشخصيات ، تم إنشاؤه فقط لتلبية احتياجات ذلك المكان التعليمي.