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Soha Halfawi


Soha is a successful ex-corporate marketing manager and strategist turned full time "enabler." She decided to quit her job and focus on raising her kids through the lens of a certified life coach, actively enabling and empowering them to explore their passions and curiosities as individuals, to carve their own unconventional paths and thrive. She strongly believes that learning goes way beyond the traditional and is best unleashed when kids are empowered to lead.  She is heavily involved in the future of education space. 



30 October, 2023 | 10:30 to 11:10
Knowledge vs skills: what students should really learn

There has been a long-running pedagogical debate over the benefits of a skills-based educational approach, as opposed to a knowledge-based education. With the huge development in technology, it is increasingly hard to predict the future of employment. But is a transversal – skills-based – education enough to help our students navigate the world beyond school? What role does knowledge play in a society where everyone has access to the internet and can google whatever they want?

Is there a ubiquity of information and scarcity of knowledge.? This panel session will explore how we as educators and parents can empower and support students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to manage the unpredictability and uncertainties of their future.