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Prem Rawat


The Prem Rawat Foundation

From boy prodigy, 70’s teenage icon, to global peace ambassador, Prem has brought exceptional clarity, inspiration and deep life learning to millions. Now based in the United States, the founder of The Prem Rawat Foundation, Prem works with people from all walks of life, showing them how to experience the source of wellbeing within themselves. His global effort spans over 100 countries, bringing a practical message of hope, happiness, and peace to all, one person at a time. His Peace Education Program, a themed soft skills wellbeing program, based on Prem's lectures, is used in over 1,000 educational institutions globally with over 365,000 people having already participated. It is also used in over 775 prisons worldwide helping to reduce re-offending, and is used in 80 countries and translated into 40 languages. The Prem Rawat Foundation's latest "Peace Education Program EDU" specifically designed for teachers and education will be exhibiting this year at Dubai GESS. Prem Rawat is the New York Times bestselling author of "Hear Yourself: How to find Peace in a Noisy World". He is the Guinness World Records holder for a single author with the largest physical audience present at a book reading, of 114,704 people established in 2023. Prem is also a pilot, with 15,000 hours of flying experience, a photographer, classic car restorer, and a father to four children and grandfather of four.


01 November, 2023 | 10:20 to 11:00
Education for the Heart: How to Thrive in a Noisy World

Prem Rawat will be speaking from his 55 years plus of experience of presenting an alternative perspective of education for the heart, and exploring its importance in a modern world. The world we live in has become dominated by technology which is creating an almost deafening external noise that is overwhelming many, especially the young. Prem's goal is to put people back in touch with themselves using practical learning tools. His presentation will be based on his deep personal experience in over 5,000 event presentations he has made in his long speaking career. His unique Peace Education Program EDU will exhibit at the GESS and provides practical tools for educators and students alike to develop inner resources promoting wellbeing, by looking at key themes including inner strength, hope, gratitude, dignity and personal contentment.