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Picks of the week from across the Twitter-sphere: #WorldMentalHealthDay edition

This Saturday, 10th October is #WorldMentalHealthDay and we have already begun to see the efforts and campaigns of various charities, businesses and schools appear on our timeline. In order to promote some awareness for the event, we thought we would dedicate ‘Picks of The Week” in this edition of GESS Talks to #WorldMentalHealthDay. Here's just a selection of some of our favourite posts we came across while exploring the hashtag.

@MindCharity is a fantastic UK based mental health charity who provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing issues with their mental health. Their #DoOneThing campaign for World Mental Health Day encourages us to think about doing one small thing that has a positive effect on our mental health. This might be getting outside for some fresh air, doing something creative or reaching out to someone you know.

This is a really simple idea to start us moving in the right direction and could easily be used each week in your classroom. Head over to their website to download a free calendar of ideas and inspiration for you to try

For more downloadable materials, head over to the @TimetoChange website. Whether you would like some images to help you show support for #WorldMentalHealthDay on your social media, or resources and activity packs that can help you as a wellbeing professional or counsellor take action in your University or workplace – you can find them all here

@unitedbybks is a great account if you are looking for some Young Adult genre recommendations for your students. We came across 2 great reading lists on their Twitter constructed specially for #WorldMentalHealthDay: